Step 5 Accountable - Week 2
Monday with Terry
Accountable, "When we are accountable, confidence increases, values, and actions align and proactive behaviors become a way of life." Rhonda Britten
I know this to be true. When you say yes to what is yours and no to what isn't. Only you can be accountable to yourself. As you align your thoughts, words, and actions with your dreams, plans, values, and needs you can make them happen. You choose behaviors that empower you to be confident and to act in spite of your fears. You can then reach out and in alignment with your goals serve others as a model of personal accountablity...
Wednesday with Kelly
When you can set a goal and achieve it, what does it do to your confidence?
I know when I can count on myself it boosts my confidence and willingness to step out more. Risking becomes easier when I know I can trust my follow-through. How does know that others can count on you? Being the go-to person for others can be confident as well, as long as you have boundaries. Confidence comes from knowing you can trust yourself to stay committed to yourself.