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Who are
Fearless Generations?

We are a mother-daughter dream team of coaches, who have a passion for bringing you tools to become fearless, step out of your comfort zone, and move toward the life you were created to live.

We are authentic, real, and present with our clients; seeing their challenges and desires to change their lives. We offer a wide span of experience. As a mother-daughter team, we love and trust each other, adding a unique vulnerability and openness to our work.

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Why Work With Us?

Check out what others have to say . . . 


Stephanie Lueras
Heart and Sole Fitness & Wellness LLC

Stepping Towards Freedom Program Graduate

"I was able to set an intention that served where I am seeking the most growth in my life, and by keeping that focus front and center, all of the work in Stepping Towards Freedom has allowed me to look inside, practice new things, and take chances that I wouldn't have taken on my own. There has been a lot of growth and healing for me, and I look forward to more!

Don't think, just do--don't talk yourself out of this opportunity. You get out of it what you put in, and the rewards (and freedom!) are priceless."

about our group program Stepping Towards Freedom...

Case Study

Stephanie shares her journey of self-discovery as she goes through the Stepping Towards Freedom program.

Mimi Warfel

Stepping Towards Freedom Program Graduate

"Their transformations are AMAZING! I have done a lot of personal growth, therapy, and work for a number of years as I love to learn, grow and keep striving to be a better person daily. After meeting both Kelly and Terry in a networking group, I decided to try out their program. I enrolled in their year-long program.

At first, I won’t lie, it was frustrating as the changes and progress seemed so much slower than what I wanted. By the 2nd month and lesson, I began to really see how the homework (used as practice in my daily life) and having a different partner monthly to go over the homework with, gave me a really different perspective, and more great ideas on how to use this new tool! The extra shared reading offered on our private FB group was also very helpful in really understanding the topic from so many different examples!

The changes each month, and the work- took effort.  But, anything in life worthwhile is going to take effort. I started to see that each lesson built a new muscle so I was strong enough and had enough information to learn the next one and it became exciting the more I practiced each lesson! The 12-month program is such a valuable way to overcome fear, learn about myself, and understand why I behave in a certain way when scared! I highly recommend this program to anyone who just wants to find an understanding of how to feel the fear, understand its purpose for you and do it anyway with joy and purpose! Life's too short!  Be Fearless!"

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Amy Mead CFLC, CFT

Change Your Life Workshop participant and fellow coach

Thank you, Kelly Fox and Terry Sayre, for an amazing workshop tonight. I'm always inspired by you two and the energy you bring to everything that you do!

What they say about our workshops...

Tanya Knudsen

Pathway of Change Workshop participant

Vikki Halstead Gatke

Change Your Life Workshop participant

"Thank you, Terry and Kelly, for the great webinar! This mother and daughter team is life-changing!!!"


Betty Anne Moore

Staying Fearless Member

She shares her love of our monthly membership

program on our social media here.


What they say about our podcast...

Debbie Vaillancourt RN, Life Coach

Guest coach on our podcast

Fearless Generations is the real deal. You won’t want to miss this mother-daughter team of Life Coaches Kelly Fox and Terry Sayre. Each episode features one of the principles of Rhonda Britten’s Fearless Living. You get to listen in on an authentic, focused, and vulnerable conversation from both generations on how these principles have changed their lives. There is another bonus . . . each podcast has a surprise guest coach to add to the discussion. This is a podcast not to be missed.  Tune in and enjoy!

Sylvia McIntosh
Certified Fearless Living Coach, Ohio

Guest coach on our podcast

I really enjoy the Fearless Generations Blog Talk Radio Show. The open discussion really supports me in becoming more conscious of my choices by helping me learn to recognize a wider sphere of options. I love how Kelly & Terry (& their guests) dissect a key component of personal growth each month by exploring different aspects of each component each week. It’s a good time and I always learn something new and useful.

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Becky Plautz

Recent graduate in the Stepping Towards Freedom group program

Since joining STF I have got the opportunity to build a deeper understanding of WHO I AM & how I can continue to grow into who my soul intends. When I show up to receive the tools, stories, & support from not only Kelly & Terry as the leaders but also the community & safe space these ladies hold --- growth happens from the inside & radiates outward to my world.

Jump in & be open to sharing in the live classes & for the google classroom. You will see & feel your personal journey expand every step of the way!

Our program is designed to support you where you are and move you forward.

Sarah Valerio

Past participant in the Stepping Towards Freedom group program

Since starting this class I have gained so much insight into myself and my daily life. My relationships including the one with myself have flourished and I am now in a place where I feel more equipped to handle all the stuff life throws at me. Every class I gain something new or a new insight that just leaves me wanting more and I love the application to daily life in between classes. The coaches are available if needed outside of class. I feel like I'm an upgraded version of myself, especially as a mom, wife, and just a woman.


Case Study

Sarah shares her amazing results as she goes through the Stepping Towards Freedom program.

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Our workshops are for the individual and the family.

Em Guevara

Participant in the Stepping Towards Freedom group program

It’s great to get these tips and reminders from Coaches Kelly and Terry, both very warm, open, and wise Fearless Living coaches. And doing the exercises and taking the journey with like-minded women provides support that is both energizing and comforting.


If you’re looking for something to help you develop and ingrain new and good habits for a more joyful and aligned life, this course is for you! It’s a safe and fun space to share, learn and grow.

Barbara, Retired Nurse
Fearless Life Workshop participant

Terry and Kelly are great. Fearless life was the first workshop of theirs that I attended. Now I have come to quite a few. They keep me coming back for more.

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Cameron, College Student
Fearless Life Workshop participant

The fearless workshop introduced me to a more positive lifestyle. The tips and tricks that the coaches preach can really make an impact on your outlook on life.

James, Business Owner
Fearless Life Workshop participant

I have gotten a lot out of the workshops. I was at one with several members of my family and it really supported us to come together and support each other.


Are you aware that fear responds the same

to emotional and physical situations?

When working with Terry and Kelly you'll gain...

  • Tools and strategies that will move you from fear to freedom.

  • Awareness of who you truly are and how to live as your true self.

  • Courage to practice daily shifts through the content they share.

  • You will learn how to recognize and become friends with your fear as you take steps out of your comfort zone.

  • You will gain the ability to live in a state of gratitude,

  • Build your confidence muscle,

  • Leave disappointment and procrastination behind,

  • Love and accept yourself, and

  • Take on personal responsibility.

© 2024 Fearless Generations, Proudly created by Kelly Lynne Coaching

*Images provided by Kelly Fox, and Terry A. Sayre;  have not been altered and are used in compliance with the CC License.

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